Category Archives: Social welfare

Current trends in the post and telecommunications industry

Current trends in the post and telecommunications industry

The post and telecommunications industry experienced notable changes in the period 2019–2022, according to a recent report. Shifts in both telecommunication and postal services reflect broader changes in the economy. Fact #1: Mobile lines dominate telecommunications income Consumers love their phones! This is evident in Figure 1, which provides an overview of services that help keep   read more »

The state of South African households in 2023

The state of South African households in 2023

In 2024, South Africa celebrates three decades since the advent of democracy, a pivotal moment in its history. This milestone not only signifies the passage of time but also reflects the enduring journey towards equality, freedom, and justice for all its citizens. Households reflect the ongoing transformation, encompassing a diverse mix of cultural, economic, and   read more »

Most migrants to South Africa come from the SADC region for employment

Most migrants to South Africa come from the SADC region for employment

Labour migration, the movement of individuals across the borders for employment purposes, is a fundamental aspect of the global economy and has profound social, economic, and political implications. According to the report, Migration profile report for South Africa: A country profile 2023 released by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), most migrants entering South Africa originate   read more »

Trust in Government, Access to Services, and the Shadow of Corruption

Trust in Government, Access to Services, and the Shadow of Corruption

Access to government services is a cornerstone of any well-functioning society. In the realm of governance, the relationship between access to government services, levels of trust in government and public institutions, and individual experiences of corruption significantly impacts the overall well-being of a society. These factors are integral to the effectiveness and legitimacy of a   read more »

Corporal punishment still in schools despite ban

Corporal punishment still in schools despite ban

The Abolishing of Corporal Punishment Act, No. 33 of 1997 banned the use of corporal punishment in schools. Despite the ban, corporal punishment is still used as a form of discipline more than 20 years later. Of those that reported experiencing violence at school, the most common form of violence experienced was corporal punishment by   read more »

Experience of disputes on the rise in SA

Experience of disputes on the rise in SA

According to a new report released by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), there is a 9,1 percentage point increase in the proportion of individuals that have experienced one or more disputes between 2018/19 and 2021/22 reporting periods.   The types of disputes experienced range from poor service from government and business, conflict with neighbours, corruption,   read more »

Consumer inflation accelerates to 7,8%

Consumer inflation accelerates to 7,8%

Annual consumer inflation reached another 13-year high, increasing to 7,8% in July from 7,4% in June. Transport; food and non-alcoholic beverages (NAB); and housing and utilities continue to place upward pressure on the annual rate. Bread & cereals, oils & fats, fuel and electricity all made a notable impact on this month’s reading. The consumer   read more »

Don’t throw in the towel!

Don’t throw in the towel!

Your chances of finding a job are much higher if you continue your search for employment. Estimates from the Quarterly Labour Force Survey, released by Statistics South Africa, show that the likelihood of finding employment is much higher if you continue to search for work or are available to take up a job or start   read more »

Women are unequal on the road and in life

Women are unequal on the road and in life

Would it surprise you to know that women in South Africa are far less likely to have a driver’s license than men? According to a new gender report, Gender Series Volume VIII: Gender patterns in Transport, 2013–2020, released by Statistics South Africa, only 21,8% of females possessed a driver’s license in 2020 compared to 40,1%   read more »

Realizing women’s rights for an equal future on Women’s Day

Realizing women’s rights for an equal future on Women’s Day

There is no doubt that South Africa has made significant progress towards achieving gender equality since 1956, when 20 000 women marched to the Union Buildings on 9 August in protest against the extension of Pass Laws to women. Activists rebelled against a patriarchal system designed to control women and reduce them to submissive beings   read more »