Category Archives: Industry

Current trends in the post and telecommunications industry

Current trends in the post and telecommunications industry

The post and telecommunications industry experienced notable changes in the period 2019–2022, according to a recent report. Shifts in both telecommunication and postal services reflect broader changes in the economy. Fact #1: Mobile lines dominate telecommunications income Consumers love their phones! This is evident in Figure 1, which provides an overview of services that help keep   read more »

National government spending breaks the R2 trillion mark

National government spending breaks the R2 trillion mark

The South African national government spent R2,04 trillion1 in the 2022/23 financial year, representing a rise of 6,1% from R1,92 trillion in 2021/22. Stats SA’s latest set of national government financial data shows how these funds were distributed. Just over half of total expenses in 2022/23 was allocated to grants paid to other levels of government, institutions   read more »

Three facts about the manufacturing industry (2021)

Three facts about the manufacturing industry (2021)

There are two reasons to be excited about two recent manufacturing reports. First, covering the results of a detailed 2021 survey, the reports provide provincial- and district-level data. Second, they offer detailed insight into the state of the manufacturing industry in South Africa in terms of employment, finances, and the quantities of manufactured products. The   read more »

Employment drops in Formal Non-Agricultural Sector in Q1 of 2023

Employment drops in Formal Non-Agricultural Sector in Q1 of 2023

According to the Quarterly Employment Statistics (QES, Q1:2023) survey released by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), total employment in the formal non-agricultural sector decreased by 21 000 in the first quarter of 2023, bringing the level of employment to almost 10 million. The survey showed that 97 000 jobs were lost between March 2022 and March   read more »

Third quarter jobs rise in SA formal non-agricultural sector

Third quarter jobs rise in SA formal non-agricultural sector

According to the Quarterly Employment Statistics (QES, Q3:2022) survey released by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), total employment in the formal non-agricultural sector increased by 10 000 in the third quarter of 2022, bringing the level of total employment to approximately 10 million. The survey showed that jobs increased by 31 000 between September 2021 and   read more »

South African GDP declines by 0,7%

South African GDP declines by 0,7%

After two consecutive quarters of positive growth, real gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 0,7%1 in the second quarter of 2022 (Q2: 2022). The devastating floods in KwaZulu-Natal and load shedding contributed to the decline, weakening an already fragile national economy that had just recovered to pre-pandemic levels. Manufacturing the biggest drag on GDP The flooding   read more »

After two years, GDP returns to pre-pandemic levels

After two years, GDP returns to pre-pandemic levels

South African gross domestic product (GDP) expanded by 1,9% in the first quarter of 2022, representing a second consecutive quarter of upward growth.1 The size of the economy is now at pre-pandemic levels, with real GDP slightly higher than what it was before the COVID-19 pandemic. This release covers the first quarter of the year   read more »

Foot-and-mouth: Where do the livestock live?

Foot-and-mouth: Where do the livestock live?

Foot-and-mouth disease is scary. The recent outbreak, identified in at least five provinces, has serious implications for the livestock industry. Stats SA takes a look at the revenue streams that might be affected, and identifies where vulnerable industries might be located. What products does agriculture depend on the most? The disease is relentless. It spreads   read more »

Going with the flow: Tracking products through our economy

Going with the flow: Tracking products through our economy

Economically, no country is an island. Just as a household cannot produce all that it needs on its own, South Africa depends on global trade for a range of goods and services. Take crude petroleum. Figure 1 tracks oil-related transactions across our economy, showing where crude petroleum comes from and where it ends up. The   read more »

Seasonal adjustment: what is it, and why is it important?

Seasonal adjustment: what is it, and why is it important?

In April and May 2022 Stats SA is updating its seasonal adjustment models for monthly business cycle indicators, namely mining, manufacturing, electricity, building, wholesale, retail, motor, tourist accommodation, food & beverages, land transport, and civil cases for debt. What is seasonal adjustment, and why is it so important for measuring and analysing the economy? We   read more »