Category Archives: Social welfare

Falling prices: the good, the better, and the best

Falling prices: the good, the better, and the best

It’s hard to believe. It goes against what we often hear. Whether chatting with friends around the braai or debating with family at the dinner table, almost everyone has a story to tell about their own experiences with rising prices. Surprisingly, data show that there are in fact items that are cheaper now than they   read more »

Statistician-General to release Victims of Crime Survey, recorded live births and formal employment statistics

  Media advisory                                                                                                                22 September 2017                                  Statistician-General to release Victims of Crime Survey, recorded live births and formal employment statistics   The Statistician-General of South Africa, Dr Pali Lehohla, will on Thursday, 28 September 2017 release   read more »

Which South African metros have the largest (and the most expensive) homes?

Which South African metros have the largest (and the most expensive) homes?

If you’re dreaming of one day purchasing a holiday home somewhere on the coast, and space is important to you, Durban might be the best option. On the other hand, if property costs are your main concern, Port Elizabeth or East London might be places to consider. Stats SA takes a dive into building statistics   read more »

Beer more popular than vegetables

Beer more popular than vegetables

Beer more popular than vegetables Nqa, Impilo, Pholo e ntle, gesondheid, Awe, Cheers! Many of us enjoy a pint, but have you ever really thought much about the industry and what you spend on your beer? In celebration of International Beer Day, we take a closer look at how much households spend on beer and   read more »

Media advisory: Victims of Crime Survey 2015/16

MEDIA ADVISORY                                                                                                                                                          26 May 2017 Statistician-General releases report on “Exploring the extent of and circumstances surrounding housebreaking/burglary   read more »

Media invite: General Household Survey, 2016

Media Invite                                                                                                                                                                        26 May 2017   Statistician-General releases the results of the General Household Survey, 2016                                                                                 The Statistician-General   read more »

Media release: Social profile of older persons 2011-2015 report

Media release 29 March 2017 Social profile of older persons 2011-2015 report The elderly population account for 8,1% of South Africa’s population, this is a proportional increase of 0,1 of a percentage point compared to 2011 (8,0%). Between 2001 and 2016, the proportion of older persons in the population increased by 0,8 of a percentage   read more »

Media advisory: The Social profile of older persons report and the 2015 census of the South African mining industry report

Media advisory                                                                                            27 March 2017   Statistician-General to release the results of the Census of Mining and a report on the Social profile of older persons   The Statistician-General of South Africa, Dr Pali Lehohla, will release two key datasets at a media briefing to be held on Wednesday, 29 March 2017   read more »

Looking for love in all the wrong places?

Looking for love in all the wrong places?

Don’t despair. There is hope. We promise. Finding that special someone to spend Valentine’s Day with has just become a little bit easier. From left field in the realm of dating advice enter the statisticians, who combine data and geography to show you where you can look for love. Surprised? Well, consider the fact that   read more »

Media invite: Statistician-General to release the Community Survey 2016, Agricultural Households report

  Media advisory                                                                            25 January 2016   The Statistician-General of South Africa, Dr Pali Lehohla, will release the   read more »